Pg 8 Current Status
The Contrapel Hybrid system will dominate the field of water propulsion in future.
Contrapel Ltd is a research and development company committed to commercialising
this new pumping, hydro and propulsion technology. It holds the key to super efficient,
extremely robust and highly flexible ways of processing liquids, propelling craft
or generating low-
Finally we can claim that there is a propulsion device where we are able to work
or play in our our amazing marine environments more safely, enjoying, but not destroying
or disturbing them. The Contrapel Hybrid system is completely scaleable and will
offer entirely new ways to solve problems encountered in just about every sphere
of the industry. Contrapel will open new transportation options, reduce world energy
usage, vastly improve human and animal safety, while setting new environmental standards
for boats. Low head pumping and hydro electric generation will benefit greatly from
this breakthrough, as the hybrid propellers are able to operate as fully enclosed
aerofoiled blades capable of extracting lift from liquids, even where there is limited
Click mouse here to view some specifications on the demonstration boat and transportation system.
It is not the intention of the company to restrict production and world-
The Contrapel Hybrid is not just a step forward, it represents a revolution in every
sense. Our focus is on moving rapidly to a manufacturing position, therefore we
cannot respond to every individual with an interest in the Contrapel Hybrid system.
If however you belong to a propulsion, pumping or hydro-
Please contact us at -